Helping owners build a deeper relationship with their dog, one day at a time

About Etsu & Me

Hi, my name is Sarah! Etsu & Me is a relationship based trainer located in Pasadena, CA. We focus on teaching owners how to build a relationship with their dog through nuanced leash handling, leadership, addressing state of mind, understanding motivation, learning body language, intentionally incorporating training as a part of lifestyle, and more. We believe that just like any relationship, it takes work, practice, and building better communication habits to create clarity but the fruit of that is a rewarding connection with our dog.

It’s Not for Everyone

Etsu & Me teaches a lot of concepts and practical exercises with the hopes of creating clarity, confidence and developing effective communication with the dog in front of you. That said, we understand that everyone has their own idea of what dog training is and we’ve found that the biggest roadblock are usually rooted in old perceptions of what dog training entails.

A Fresh Perspective

In our perspective, it’s really more about teaching people, than it is teaching dogs. While dogs do learn, of course, through our program, it’s the humans that benefit the most. Etsu & Me best fits with people who want to learn more about their dog, are ready to learn new habits, are willing to add structure to their lives, and are open to making different decisions based on their dog’s needs. This doesn’t mean that we completely ignore yours, but it does mean that our dog’s no longer bear an unbalanced emotional burden that western society tends to put on them. Instead, it becomes a partnership and a conversation just like any healthy relationship with your best friend


In Person

In Person sessions for LA area only. Minimum commitment of 12 sessions, purchased only in packages.

$150 / session


Length of time is evaluated on a case by case basis, depending on the dog’s needs. Minimum 3 week Board and Train. Packages include mandatory owner lessons and follow up post Board and Train.

All B&T packages require an in person evaluation session | $150

Board and Train

Due to our philosophy of teaching humans as well as dogs, all services do require a minimum level of commitment as it is not realistic to expect anyone to learn a new skill within 4 sessions

Virtual sessions for all areas in the United States. Minimum commitment of 12 sessions, purchased only in packages. Open to inquiries from outside of the U.S. on a case by case basis.

$100 / session

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To ensure quality, Etsu & Me only works with a limited amount of clients at a time, which also means we generally books at least 3 months in advance. Please plan accordingly.

Featured on Voyage LA